Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seiyuu Revelation

Well, while I was watching FMA: The Brotherhood, I kept wondering why Ling Yao's voice sounded so familiar. At first I thought it was probably just because seiyuu voices sound similar. But for some reason, I had the hunch that Ling's voice was extremely characteristic.

I forgot about it for a bit, until on a whim I decided to check it out today and see who it actually was.

It's freaking Mamoru Miyano, the dude who voiced Tamaki Suou, Yagami Light, and Death the Kid, among many others.

Man, this is a little unfair: the guy has looks, a great voice, and amazing acting skills.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i realised it too after hearing it and turning the sound up
    dont forget zero
    man this kid is hot!
