Friday, January 29, 2010

Lately Crafted

Over winter break (which was... four weeks ago), I had some time to experiment with something I'd been wanting to do for a while.

From scratch, I made a mini Lolita hat accessory.

An earlier photograph, from after I had already made the base shape and covered it with black cloth:

I had leftover lace in my closet, which I excitedly used to embellish my hat.

Playing around with my materials, I found I really liked the soft, pink beads, and happened to have a nice light pink fabric (originally from a cake-wrapping, actually). You can sort of see a size reference; compare the hat to the spool of ribbon at the right of the photograph. I could hold the hat in the palm of my hand.

A top view of the finished result:

And finally the full frontal finish.


  1. Oh my god, if you love me you will make me one of these in the foreseeable future. :O

  2. me likes!
    I want one so I can use it for my thumb and make a new hit television show called, thumby, the hated thumb.
