Friday, February 26, 2010

Three From One

I find it extremely interesting that with the help of a few tools (and seriously, it's only the click of two buttons), I can get vastly different photographs.

These two are both from the same photograph, and neither of these look like the original.

(That little dark spot in the sky is a glitch in my camera... the poor thing managed to get a spot inside the lens somewhere.)

Notice the difference between the two? How about taking a look at the original...

Hence the result: three from one.

And by the way, getting a camera that properly takes photographs in darker conditions is also a good idea. Once the light dims, my photographs come out fuzzy. Perhaps it's time to upgrade... (or hijack my roommate's DSLR, as I've already repeatedly done :D ).


  1. Well, if your rinky-dink old camera is giving you shots like these then maybe you should stick with with this cam. In a lot of ways the pictures I got from my old cruddy camera are better than the ones I get with my nice new shiny ones. Weird.
    This is also really cool. You should show me how to do this sometime.
    I'm also insanely jealous that you're so close to the Foothills. Everything within reach of campus here is flat and it annoys me to no end.
