Saturday, May 22, 2010

Turkish Market

Since the weather finally let up yesterday and the sun decided to show its face, we managed to spend the day outside and eventually made our way to the Turkish Market on Maybachufer. The market goes straight down a street right along the riverbank. It's open Tuesdays and Fridays, sometime around 2pm to 6pm thereabouts. 

There's a lot to buy for cheap at the market; fresh fruit and vegetables, just cooked Turkish food (and other food as well), cloth starting at 2 Euros per meter, jewelry, beads, thread, home supplies, batteries... the list goes on.

There was also a corner at the end of the street where this brilliant musician played on what looked like a self-made, self-invented pipe instrument. It was a one-man orchestra.

Kyle also decided to try the "Turkish Honig," strawberry flavored. It was extremely sweet and looked deceptively like some Asian candies we've had before.

All in all, a pretty nice way to spend one of our first sunny afternoons in a while.

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