How strange it feels to be back. I've technically been back for a few days by now, but it's still a little bit of a culture shock to be back, especially with all the new freshmen running around campus.
My body also seems to have gone into post-travel shock, as I experienced a nasty fever today and am still feeling whoozy. I managed to sleep twelve hours straight last night, and on top of that slept some five or more hours during the day today.
Everything seems a little harsher here than back in Japan, especially the mannerisms of people. Even their cops seem nicer over there, especially in the airport. Making purchases at the cash registers here also felt jarring in comparison; no more bowing, profuse thanking, or even words that you can't understand.
Some day I'll go back again and climb Mt. Fuji for real this time; all the way up, and all the way down. Hopefully I'll be able to make a detour trip over to Kyoto next time as well, and that I will know more Japanese than this trip!
Head a little throbbing, I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll feel well enough to clean up my stuff and pack for the dorm tomorrow...
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.