Monday, November 16, 2009


I just made a wish at 11.11

For all my non-religious upbringing, I still adhere to several superstitious and "magical" types of habits. Knocking on wood, for instance. Recently, I picked up the "Make a wish at 11.11." I also have for as long I as I remember run after, caught, and made wishes on those floating weed seeds. Dandelions.

I am also extremely averse to the number 4 because of Chinese superstitions. I have a tendency to favor the number 8 because of the same Chinese superstitions.

None of this makes any sense whatsoever, of course, but I do it anyway. I suppose it's often just a fun thing to do and make no sense out of.

With that, I leave you with an infinite loop photograph taken using my low-tech webcam.